Month: January 2012

Sports Harbour is now Gabe’s 4 (Tuesday)

The Sports Harbour team is now officially Gabe’s 4.  All future Sports Harbour home games will be played at Gabe’s 4.  The schedule and standings will be updated with this information this week (The change is already in place, however, it won’t “go live” until the next website update.

Even more money owed!

People are not paying off what they owe…in fact, the list of who owes what keeps growing.  I am going to be sending out emails to the captains of each team that owes money to the league.  Please check your emails and pay up.  If your delinquent fees make it to the end of the season, you will be fined, and the fines will come out of your end of the season payouts.  Do not be surprised if this happens to you!